Attention iPhone & iPad Users Over 60...
Have You Been Hacked? But...
You Don't Even Know it Yet?
This Simple "Dark Web Defense Plan"
Will Protect You from 7 Types of Dangerous Cyber-Theives...
It Seems Like Yesterday…

In 1995… The Internet was Bursting with Possibilities, Hopes, and Dreams…

But Today…

The Internet is Infested with Cyber-Thieves, Web-Crooks & Low Life Hackers Lurking in the Web’s Deepest Shadows.

Rolling Stone Called the “Dark Web” The "Wild West of the Internet"

This is Why Every American Needs a Simple “Dark-Web Defense-Plan”. 

Sorry, I’m Getting Ahead of Myself…

The “Dark Web” is the Internet’s Secret World of Hackers, Drug Dealers, Political Disruptors and Child Pornographers...

Dark-Web Pirates Surfing the Seas of the Dark Web are Lying in Wait... 
Ready to Plunder Your Personal Identity and Life Savings.
For Example… 

In a Minute, You’ll Discover How a Plain Innocent-Looking Letter Sitting in Your Mailbox Right Outside Your Home... 

May Be Your First Sign that You’ve Been Sucked into the Dark Web. 

If this, God-forbid, ever Happens to You…

Your Financial Future is in Very Grave Danger! 

But, Before I Can Get Deeper into that…
A Quick Question…

If Donald Trump, Obama & Clinton can All Have THEIR Cellphones Hacked…

How Safe is YOUR iPhone?

Did You Know…

Obama Admitted to Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight Show when he Left Office, Obama Had No Clue How to Use His New iPhone.  

Having an iPhone was too much of a Dark-Web Risk during his 8-Year Term…  

So, Obama Wasn’t Even Allowed to Have an iPhone as President.  

Trump Has an iPhone.

But, He’s Only Allowed to Have ONE App Installed…  


The FBI Assumes that Anything President Trump Types into His iPhone Will Be Public Knowledge 

…and Not a Security Risk (Fingers Crossed!)
And Clinton... 

Well by Now, You’ve Probably Heard About How Her Private Emails Were Hacked.  

Even if You Hate Hillary…
Her Deepest Personal Thoughts Were Exposed to the Entire World Through the Underground Dark Web. 
And, That’s Not Something You Want Happening to YOU Next.

Do You Think Donald, Barrack, and Hillary  Have a “Dark-Web Defense Plan”  in Place?
Well, You Bet!
But Be Warned…

Today’s Dark-Web-Threats aren’t just for Politicians or the Rich & Famous.
For Example, Just Last Year…

One-In-Every-Three Americans had their Personal Identity Information Stolen in a Single Dark-Web Hack of the Financial-Data-Giant  “Equifax”.
It Was the Biggest Security Breach of Personal Identity Information in American History.

If Your Own Private Identity Information Wasn’t Stolen in This One Single Equifax Hack...
Odds Are…
Someone in Your Immediate Family had their Identity Information Stolen Last Year.

It’s Very Possible that Your Spouse, Children or Grandchildren May Have Been Affected,  and They May Not Even Know It...

Equifax Finally Admitted that Over 145 Million Americans May Have Been Affected by the Data Breach After Unidentified Hackers Stole...

- Names
- Social Security Numbers
- Driver’s License Numbers
- Addresses
- Birth Dates
- And Even Credit Card Numbers!

This Stolen Identity Information May Have Possibly Been Avoided if the Victims Had a Simple “Dark-Web Defense Plan” Firmly in Place.
On a Personal Note…
Kate Van Fleet’s Dark-Web Nightmare Began Just Before Christmas…

In Kate’s Mailbox Was a Plain  Innocent-Looking Letter from Barneys New York... 

The Letter Simply Thanked Her for a Credit Line Recently Opened Under Her Name... 

Kate Told News Reporters… 

“I Kept Receiving Letters from Kohl’s, from Macy’s, from Home Depot,  from Old Navy Saying,  ‘Thank You for Your Application,’”  

The Problem Is…
Kate Had Never Applied for ANY of these Lines of Credit...
Victim Kate Van Fleet Said, "There Was Somebody Out there with My Information, Pretending to Be Me."

So Far, Kate Van Fleet’s Personal Identity  Has Been Stolen 15 Times!
The Paperwork and Phone Calls Trying to Clear Her Good Name May Never End... 

She Was forced to Hire an Attorney to Help Unravel Her Financial Mess...
ALL of Her Future Retirement and Investment Plans Are on Hold Indefinitely...

The Impact on Her Personal Credit is Devastating...

Not to Mention Her Mental Well-Being!

She Was Sucked Down Deep into the Dark Web. 

Kate Warns…
“I Want to Share My Story and Make People Aware that This Can Happen to Anybody.”

It Would Have Been so Simple to Implement, but Unfortunately, Kate Did Not Have a Simple “Dark-Web Defense Plan” in Place.
Homeland Security Warning:

The Department of Homeland Security has This Important Warning… 

Americans Over the Age of 60 are at Particular Risk of Dark-Web Thieves Because…

“Many Scammers Target Older Americans Via Emails and Websites for Charitable Donations, Dating Services,  Auctions, Health Care, or 
Prescription Medications…”

“Cybercriminals Use Sophisticated Techniques to Appear Legitimate"... 

"They Pose as Friends or Family Members, Banks, Charities, Mortgage Vendors, and Even Healthcare  and Low-Cost Prescription Providers"...

"They Steal Your Information in order to Conduct Identity theft, Phishing Schemes, Credit Card Fraud, and More.”
FBI Warns Americans Over 60: 

“Older Americans Are Most Likely to have a Nest Egg, Own their Home, and Have Excellent Credit—All of Which Make them Attractive to Con Artists. 

People Who Grew Up in the 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, and Early 1960s Were Generally Raised to Be Polite and Trusting. 

Con Artists Exploit these Traits.”

Plus, these Dark-Web Thieves Know that You and I Didn’t Grow Up with Technology Like the Kids of Today.

Although Many Americans Over 60 are Very Tech-Savvy...

Many Are Still Not.

We’re Also Less Inclined to Jump on the Very Latest Version of New Technology. 

If the Old Version Still Works Perfectly, Why Waste Money to Constantly Update  Our Devices and Software?
But, these Quickly Outdated Technologies are More Vulnerable to Security Flaws for Dark-Web Thieves to Exploit.

So, with All This in Mind…

Dark-Web Thieves Are Playing the Odds by Targeting Americans Who Are Over Age 60.

Cybersecurity Expert Bryan Seely Paints a Grim Picture Stating That…
“Everyone’s Social Security Number has Pretty Much Been Stolen in the Last 10 Years,”  

Cyber Crimes Happen More Often 
than You Think…

Maybe You Don’t Know Anyone who’s Been a Victim of a Dark-Web Crime.
But… they Simply May Not Be Aware they’ve Been Compromised…

Or, they May Not Be Open and Willing to Bring it Up in Casual Conversation. After All, Who Wants to Admit they Were Conned.

It’s Understandable… No One Wants to Feel Stupid.

FBI Internet Crime Report:
According to a Recent FBI Internet Crime Report… 

Victims Like You and I, Lost Well Over a Billion Dollars in a Single Year. 

And when You Compare Americans in their 20s to Americans Over 60
The FBI’s Statistics Get Even Scarier... 

There Were Only 10,000 More Internet Crime Victims Over Age 60. 


Victims Over 60 Lost 50 Times what people in their 20s Lost. Proving that...

CyberCriminals are Targeting Our Generation!

How Protected Are You?!

Even if You’re Super-Careful, and Think You Have Security Precautions in Place…

Statistics Reveal that Most Americans Aren’t Doing Near Enough.

Without a Simple “Dark-Web Defense Plan”…
Your Old Standard Cyber-Security Precautions Just Aren’t Good Enough These Days.
Forbes Magazine Reports…
“It’s True... Cyber Attackers have an Edge on You. 

Just Look at Recent Incidents of Credit Card Information Being Stolen from Target,  and Snapchat Users' Names  and Cell Phone Numbers  Being Published Online...
They’ve Got the Innovation.
Normally, Innovation is a Great Thing.  
However, We Could Personally Do Without it Being Applied to Introducing New Cyber Threats. 

They’ve Got the Timing.
Surprise is on their Side, and they Take Total Advantage of It.

They’ve Got the Target.
they Know Where Your Crown Jewels Are Kept, and they Are Going for the Prize.”
Think You Have Nothing to Hide?
Think Again!

Even if You Limit the Ways You Use Your iPhone, You’re Still at Risk. 

People Who Never Make Online Purchases, or Never Do Banking on their iPhone Can Still Become Victims. 

Cyber-Thieves Have their Ways to Get at Your Personal Data.

Is Your Government Profiling YOU?

Consider the Recent Government Profiling Story of the Catalano Family on Long Island.

Their Mom Searched for a “Pressure Cooker”  to Cook Lentils. 

While Her Husband Innocently Was Searching for a Back Pack.

Their Son Was Interested in the Boston Marathon Bombing, and Did Many Searches.

Since the Boston Marathon Bombing Used a Pressure Cooker and a Backpack…

The Catalano Family Was Profiled as Potential Terrorists!

Six Armed Government Agents Descended on the Catalano Family’s Home. 

Seemed Like a Rare Innocent Mistake, Until One Agent Admitted they Do This a 100 Times a Week. 

Maybe Your Family is Next?

Or, Maybe Not…

If You Have a “Dark-Web Defense Plan” Protecting You from Even Your Own Government.
The Good News Is… 

At This Point, You Might Be Thinking… I Should Just Stop Using My iPhone and the Internet Altogether! 

But, Don’t Throw the Baby Out with the Bath Water.

It’s Not that Hard to Implement Your Own iPhone & iPad “Dark-Web Defense Plan”. 
I’ve Spent Months of Research...

To Put Together an Easy to Follow, Step-By-Step "Dark-Web Defense Plan"...

Specifically for iPhone & iPad Users, Who Want to Get More Out of Life after the Age of 60...

And, I Want to Share This Important Information with as Many Law-Abiding Americans as Possible...

To Protect Us All from Foreign and Domestic Hackers, Lurking in the Shadows of the Dark Web.

This is Why I Created My Latest Online Course Called… 

iPhone & iPad Security:
Your Dark Web Defense Plan

This is Your Definitive Guide on iPhone & iPad Security and Privacy, Written by a Concerned American, for OUR Generation.

Here's What You Get...
"iPhone & iPad Security: Your Dark Web Defense Plan" is Broken Down into Over 20 Easy-to-Follow Online Lessons.
After Watching Each Lesson...

Just Implement Your Action Item and Build Your Dark Web Defense Plan from the Ground Up... 

One Step at a Time...

By the Time You’re Done with All the Lessons...

You’ll Have Your Dark Web Defense Plan in Place...

Securing Your iPhone from Hackers to Protect Your Personal Privacy and Your Family’s Security. 
It's Easy...

Look, Like Any Common Criminal… 

Hackers Are No Different...

They’re Going to Go for the Easy Targets First. 

So, Just Implementing a Small Fraction of the Action Items in Your Dark Web Defense Plan...

Will Put You Far Ahead of Your Neighbors Who Will Be Easier Targets for Lazy Hackers.

Pop Pop's Proverb...

My Grandfather Used to Tell Me an Old Welsh Proverb… 

"In a Pen Full of Lazy Sheep ...

The Sly Wolf First Attacks the Laziest."
Then He’d Smile and Say, "So, Don’t Be the Laziest Sheep!"

Translated to English, He Meant…

Your Dark Web Defense Plan Just Needs to Be Better than Most People to Avoid Being Hacked...

Since Most People Are Oblivious to the Threats Out there…

It Will Be Really Easy to Beat the Herd...
After I Show You How.

Inside Your Course…

"iPhone & iPad Security: Your Dark Web Defense Plan"...

You’re Going to Discover… 

* How to Lock Your iPhone to Protect Your Personal Information. Just Like You Lock Your Front Door to Protect Your Home...

You Wouldn’t Leave Your Front Door Unlocked...

And, You Definitely Shouldn’t Leave Your iPhone or iPad Unlocked Either...
* You’ll Also Walk Through the Ten Critical Steps to Making Sure You Have  the Strongest Passwords for Every One of Your Online Accounts. 
After This Lesson, You’ll Easily Create Passwords that Will Have Hackers Stumped, so they’ll Simply Move on to the Next Online Account to Hack. 
* You’ll Also Discover when it’s OK to Trade Security for Convenience...
So You Can Feel Secure, Without Being Slowed Down and Frustrated, While Using Your iPhone or iPad. 

* Find Out How Biometrics Like Touch ID and Face ID Can Be a Convenient Shortcut… 

But How a Court ordered that Biometrics Can Be Used to Bypass Your First Amendment Rights...

And force You to Hand Over All of Your Personal Information That’s Supposed to Be Private Inside Your iPhone...

And Even How Common Street Criminals Can Also Use Your iPhone’s Biometrics  Against You!
* Discover the Single Most Important Place to Have a Secure Password...

Mess This One Up...

And You’ve Just Exposed Yourself to Identity Theft and a World of Problems!

iPhone & iPad Security:  
Your Dark Web Defense Plan

Will Also Show You…

* Several Simple Security Methods to Remember All of Your Passwords...

While Ensuring Your Logins Remain Safe and Secure… 

Making it Extremely Difficult for Hackers to Gain Access to Any of Your  Private Online Accounts.

* Learn How You Can Protect Apps with Your Sensitive Financial Information from Snooping Spouses , Curious Kids, and Nosey Neighbors.

* Plus, You’ll Discover a Stealth Backup Plan for Keeping All of Your Private Passwords Safe and Secure. 
* You’ll Also Discover Some of Apple’s Own Security Features that I Recommend You Avoid...
Like Saving Your Credit Cards in Apple’s Keychain...

I Give You the Pros and Cons so You Can Decide for Yourself How Secure You Want to Make Your iPhone & iPad... 

But, I Also Show You the Settings that I Personally Use on My Own iPhone and iPad...

So You Can Follow Along with My Recommendations to Make it Easier for You. 

* I’ll Also Show You a Simple Way to Stay One Step Ahead of Hackers...
Who Spend a Lot of Time Discovering New Ways to Exploit Holes In Software Security. 

This One Method Could Easily Be Worth Your Entire Investment. 
* Discover How Using “Lost Mode” Could Be Your Best Option for Getting Back Your Lost iPhone or iPad.

And Find Out About Your Other Security Options to Protect Yourself if Your iPhone or iPad is Ever Stolen by Common Street Thieves...

But Fair Warning ...

This Method Can Only Help You if You’ve Already Turned it On BEFORE Your iPhone or iPad is Lost or Stolen.

So... Time is of the Essence. 

* OK… Are You Ready for Defense Level 5? Self-Destruct Mode?! 

Remember the Old TV Show Mission Impossible Where a Cassette Tape Containing Classified Information Would Self-Destruct? 

Discover How You Can Bring This Level of Security to Your iPhone or iPad...
And, Discover the One Crucial Step You Need to Take Before Escalating to This Extreme Level of Security and Personal Privacy.  

* Did You Know…

Someone Could Just Pick Up Your iPhone and View All Your Notifications like Your Calendar Events, and Your Text or Phone Notifications?

If You Have Things You’d Rather Keep Private in Your Life...

Like… Maybe You Just Started Dating Someone and You Don’t Want Your Children to Know About them Yet...

Or, Maybe You Have Company Secrets… that You Need to Keep a Secret...

Or, Maybe You Just Don’t Want Your Spouse to Find Out About that Surprise Party You’re Planning...
If You Have Anything You’d Rather Keep Private in Your Life... 

This One Single Lesson Will Help You Keep Your Private Things… 

Well… Private!

* I’ll Also Walk You Step-By-Step Through a Procedure that Will Securely Save All of Your Personal Data That’s on Your iPhone...

So that, if You Ever Lose Your iPhone, You’ll Only Lose a Physical Chunk of Metal and Glass...

And You Won’t Have Lost All of Your Personal Data That’s on Your iPhone...
Like Family Photos, Private Messages, and Access to All of the Online Services that You Rely On.

* Discover How to Protect Yourself from Third-Party Apps that Try to Overstep their Bounds and Gain Unwanted Access  to Your Private Information...

Learn How to Simply Revoke Access to Apps You Don’t Want To Continue Granting Privacy Permission...

Your Devices Will Be More Secure with Fewer Apps Sharing Your Personal Information.
* You’ll Also Learn How Your iPhone Acts as a Tracking Device that Records Every Single Place You Go...

You Might as Well Be Wearing a House-Arrest Bracelet Like Some Criminal...

I’ll Show You a Simple Way to Stop the Stalking...

If You Don’t Want People to Know Everywhere You Go.
* Did You Know…

That Simply Sharing a Photo Could Reveal Where You Live? 

This is Clearly a Privacy Concern if You Want to Keep Your Private Home Address… Private. 

In iPhone & iPad Security:
Your Dark Web Defense Plan ...

You’ll Also Learn How to Strip Your Photos of Any Private Location Data... 

So You Won’t Have Any Weirdos Showing Up at Your Front Door...

* And Did You Also Know…

When You Visit a Private Website on Your iPhone… 

The Site You Visit Can Secretly Show Up on Other iPhones, iPads or Computers Through iCloud?
I’ll Show You How to Keep the Websites that You Visit Private. 
*Also… if You Don’t Want Anyone to See Where You’ve Been on the Internet...
You Need to Clear Your Browsing History...

I’ll Walk You Step-by-Step Through This Simple Process in Your Lesson Called “Clearing Browsing History”.
* Have You Ever Been Shopping for Unicorn Slippers One Day... 

Then the Next Day...

Ads for Unicorn Slippers Seem to Be Stalking You Wherever You Go on the Internet?

If You Want to Have More Control
Over Your Privacy when Surfing the Internet... 

There Are Several Privacy Settings that
I Recommend in Your Lesson Called "Internet Privacy Settings".

This is Especially Important when You’re Shopping for Gifts Online and You Don’t Want Anyone to Know Where You’ve Been Shopping...

* Whenever You Search for Something on the Internet Using Google...

Google Stores Away Your Search Query
to Help them Advertise to You Later...

I’ll Show You the Pros and Cons of Using Google Search...

Plus, I’ll Reveal an Alternate Search Engine that Has YOUR Privacy Interests in Mind.

* Discover Why it’s Important to Use “Restricted Access” Whenever You Hand Your iPhone or iPad to Anyone...

Especially Children and Grandchildren...

You’ll Also Discover How to Use Parental Controls to Restrict Your Grandchildren’s Access.

* Probably the Most Important Lesson in Your Entire Course is My...

"7 Tips to Avoid Phishing Scams"

Because it’s so Easy to Do, and Because it’s so Effective...

Phishing Scams Have Become One of the Most Serious Online Threats...

According to Forbes Magazine...

Phishing Scams Cost Americans Half a Billion Dollars a Year.

So Please…

Follow My Seven Simple Recommendations in This One Lesson...

It Could Save You a Ton of Trouble Down the Line!
* Discover How Hackers Can Lock Your iPhone or iPad…

Then Demand You Pay a Ransom to Regain Control...

I’ll Walk You Through Step-by-Step What to Do if Anyone Ever Holds Your Device for Ransom...

Follow these Steps, and Avoid Paying Greedy Hackers to Get Your Device Back.
* Facebook Plays a Large Role in Our Daily Online Activities...

So, Privacy on Facebook Has Become a Growing Concern Over the Years...

I’ll Walk You Step-by-Step Through a Quick Facebook Privacy Checkup...

So You Can Easily See How Your Personal Information is Being Shared with the World.
And More!

These Are Just a Few of the Important Security and Privacy Lessons You’ll Discover...

While Building Your Own "Dark Web Defense Plan" in Your iPhone & iPad Security Course.
You Know…

It’s One Thing for Me to Say All these Great Things About This Training Program...

And Why You Should Enroll in it Today…

But it’s Another Thing, for You to Personally Hear from Other iPhone & iPad Users...

Just Like You...

Who Have Already Gone Through
This Training, and Hear Exactly How Much they’ve Gotten Out of It...

I Had the Privilege to Teach a Small Group of Seniors in a “Pilot Program” for This iPhone & iPad Security Course...

And, I’d Like to Take a Moment to Read to You What Some of them Sent Me, as Feedback of their Experience, After Going Through This Training Program...
Sylvia Bennett Wrote…

“I’d Just Like to Thank You for Your iPhone & iPad Security Course. The Content Was Excellent and Everything Was So Simple to Follow!

I Would Highly Recommend This Course to Anyone Who Has an iPhone or iPad, At Any Age.

I Like How You Take Us Step-by-Step Showing Us How to Build Our Own 'Dark Web Defense Plan', Based on Our Own Personal Needs.

You Certainly Saved Me from a Lot of Wasted Time and Frustration Trying to Figure This All Out for Myself.

Also, Your Dark Web Defense Plan Security Checklist is a Great Resource that I’ll Be Using Years into the Future.

Thanks Again for All of Your Hard Work That You Have Put into This Course, and I Look forward to Any New iPhone and iPad Courses You Offer in the Future!”
Bob Wilcox Wrote…

"iPhone & iPad Security is a Great Class that I Would Recommend to Anyone with Any Interest in Protecting their Privacy, Security, and Rights Online. I Wasn’t Going to Enroll in This Course at First Because I Felt it Might Be Too Basic for Me.

Since, I’ve Been on Top of Cyber-Security for Several Decades Now. But I Invested in the Course as a Last Minute Decision, and Am so Glad I Did.

iPad Pete’s Training Covers All the Basics, but He Also Includes More Advanced Training and a Number of Different Tactics, Some of these I’ve Never Heard of and Would Never Have Thought of Myself.

I Found the Training Valuable. Not Just for My iPhone but General Online Security Strategies and Principles Too.

Since Completing the iPhone & iPad Security Course, I Have Implemented My Own Dark Web Defense Plan, and Feel More Secure as a Result. 

The Honesty and Guidance iPad Pete Gives in His Courses Are Worth Much More than the Price of This Training."

Patricia Fiedler Says…

“Personally, I Feel that Pete’s iPhone Security Course is His Best Course Yet. And I Really Loved All His Previous iPhone and iPad Courses!

I’m Not Even Through the 5th Lesson Yet, and I’ve Already Implemented Several of His Recommended Action Items, and I’m Well on My Way to Building My Own Dark Web Defense Plan.

Pete’s iPhone & iPad Security Course Has Opened My Eyes Fully to the Threats that Are Lurking Out there, and I’m so Grateful to Have His Guidance to Keep Me and My Husband Safe.

I’ll Be Referring Back to This Course Often. Highly Recommend It!”
Barbara Sanger Wrote to Say…

If You’re at All Concerned About All the
Identity theft Threats that Are Out there Today, then iPad Pete’s Security Course is a Must. You’ll Learn Everything You Need to Protect Yourself Against Cyber-Criminals and Privacy Leaks.

Pete is a Top Expert on the iPhone and iPad
and He Shares His Knowledge Generously and Honestly. For Me, This Meant a Fantastic Savings of Time – it Would Take Me Months to Discover All His Advice, and I’d Probably Miss Half of It.

When You’ve Finished with His Course,
You’ll Know Exactly What to Do, Step-By-Step, in order to Protect Yourself. And You’ll Feel Safer and More Secure After You Apply
What You’ve Learned.

This Course Will then Be Worth 1000 Times What You’ve Paid for It. 

Thank You iPad Pete!
Anita Dunchova Said…

"Excellent Course! Well Though-Out, and Shows Us Seniors Step-by-Step How to Protect Ourselves, While Still Enjoying the Benefits of Today’s Cutting-Edge Technologies.

I’m Currently Building My Own Dark Web Defense Plan, and I Highly Recommend This
to Everyone Else Who Has an iPhone."
Thomas Beck Wrote…

"This is the Third Course that I’ve Invested in from iPad Pete, and they’re All Outstanding. The iPhone & iPad Security Program is AMAZING.

First, Pete is an Excellent Teacher and His Lessons Are in Easy to Digest Bite-Sized Nuggets, Making the Program Easy to Implement.

Second, You Learn Exactly What You NEED to Do to Protect Yourself in This Digital Age.
I Am a Veteran of the Movement for Online Privacy, but I Picked Up a TON of Solid Gold Nuggets from the Master. If You’re Thinking About Getting This Program, Stop Thinking
and Just Get it Now.

Humbling Feedback...

So, That’s Just Some of the Humbling Feedback that I’ve Received from a Few of the Seniors that Went Through a Small Pilot Program of my "iPhone & iPad Security" Course...

I Really Love Teaching Technology to Our Generation, and I Try My Best to Provide a Lot of Value...

So, I’m Obviously Very Flattered by these Comments, and I’m Also Very Very Happy that All My Previous Students Have Enjoyed the Lessons so Much...

So, I Know You’re Going to Love This Course
as Well. So, I Hope You’ll Decide to Enroll in...

iPhone & iPad Security:
Your Dark Web Defense Plan
At This Point, You’re Probably Thinking...

Well, This All Sounds Great…

I Can See the Value in It…

But the Big Question Is…

How Much Does it Cost?

What’s the Investment Going to Be to Actually Go Through This Training?

Well, I originally Thought About Doing This Training as an In-Person Workshop...

I Did One of these Locally, Where I Was Teaching in an Event-Space Helping People Implement their Dark Web Defense Plan
in Person...

And the Price for that Course Wasn’t Cheap,
Because it’s Life-Changing Valuable Information... So it Was $375 Per Person
to Attend the Local Workshop...

I Thought About Just Continuing to Teach
in Other Local Event-Spaces with the Exact Same Training Course for the Same Enrollment Fee...

But, Ultimately I Felt Like I Could Serve More Privacy-Concerned Americans by Offering the Training Online.

Now, if You’ve Been Following Me for Any Time, You Know Many of My Online Training Courses Sell for Up to $197 for One Online Course.

But Today...

You Won’t Be Paying the $197 for Your
"iPhone & iPad Security Course"...
The Good News Is…

You’ll Pay Absolutely Nothing for Your
"iPhone & iPad Security Course"! 

Follow My Online Step-by-Step Instructions
and Build Your Dark Web Defense Plan Today…


Take Advantage of My Offer Today, and You’ll Pay Nothing for Your iPhone & iPad Security Course...

Now, if You’re Skeptical, I Completely Understand...

Everyone Told Me I’m Crazy for Giving Away This Valuable Information for Free...

But I Disagree…

I’m Willing to Bet that if You Get Value
from This One Training Course... 

You’ll Also Want My Other Online iPhone and iPad Courses as Well...

So Essentially…

I Want to Prove My Value First, At Absolutely No-Risk to You...

And Even if You Never See the Value in My Other iPhone & iPad Courses…

At Least I’ve Helped One More Privacy-Concerned American Protect their iPhone or iPad from foreign Hackers and Cyber-Criminals...

So, I’ll Be Completely Satisfied with Knowing that At Least I Helped You Out.
Before I Show You How to Claim Your
Free "iPhone & iPad Security Course", and Before I Walk You Through Step-by-Step...

How to Build Your Own Personal "Dark Web Defense Plan"…

I Want You to Know That…

Your "iPhone & iPad Security Course" Isn’t the Only Thing I’m About to Give You for FREE Today…

Even Though This Course is Extremely Important to Help You Stay Safe and Secure
Using Your iPhone & iPad…

There Are Other Cyber-Threats Beyond Your iPhone & iPad You Need to Look Out for...

That’s Why...

You’re Also About to Receive Well Over $87 Worth of Life-Changing Cybersecrurity Bonus Reports…

Absolutely FREE!

* "The Home Computer Users Guide to Spyware" So You Can Keep Your Computer Safe and Secure as Well.

* "How to Use the Internet Safely" This is Important Whether You’re on Your iPhone, iPad or Computer.

* We’ll Also Cover "Home Wireless Network
Security" Issues.

* "How to Avoid the Latest Phishing Scams"
So You Don’t Become a Victim of Identity theft.

* "How to Shop Online Safely"

* And the "Importance of Document Security", to Keep All Your Financial Information Secure.

* Plus, Discover "How to Check Your Credit Report for Evidence of Identity Theft".

And Many More FREE Cyber Security Reports!

So, in Addition to Your "iPhone & iPad Security Course", You’ll Also Get All these Additional "Cybersecurity Bonus Reports"...

Absolutely FREE!

One Small Catch… 
(I Think You'll REALLY LIKE!)

Like I Said, the Reason Why I Really Want to Share My iPhone & iPad Security Course
with You for Free Today is to...

Give Me a Chance To Introduce You to My iPhone & iPad
Course Membership Site...

That I’ve Specifically Created Just for OUR GENERATION...

Who Want to Use their iPhone & iPad to Live Healthier, Wealthier and Wiser After Sixty.
What You're About to Get...

Inside Your YouCanLearnThis Membership Site...

You’re About to Get Immediate Access To…

TWELVE of My iPhone & iPad Courses Worth $2367...


You’ll Get Unlimited Access to All Future Online Courses as they Become Available
Throughout the Year.

Now, as You Know…

Things Are Always Changing in Apple-World...

Over 2000 New Apps are Available to You
Every Single Day...

And Thousands of Apps Become Extinct
Well Before You’ve Even Had the Chance to Download them and Try them Out...

Plus, Apple themselves Keep Making Tweaks and Changes to All their Apps and Settings on a Weekly Basis...

So, That’s Why I Also Want You to Have
All Updates to Your Current iPhone & iPad Lessons as Things Change...

So You’ll Always Be Up to Speed and on Top of the Latest iPhone & iPad Changes...

You Won’t Be Left Behind as Things Change Each Month...

Before You Jump In…

I Want to Warn You Obviously, I Can’t Make This Free iPhone & iPad Security Course
Available to Everyone forever…


I Honestly Don’t Know How Long I Could Stay in Business Giving This Course Away Like This...

So, I Can’t Promise This Offer Will Be Available Tomorrow.

So, All I Ask Is if You’re Even the Slightest Bit Interested…

Jump in on This Now While it’s Still Available Today.


This Offer Isn’t for Everyone…

If You Don’t See the Value in Keeping Your Privacy and Security Safe While Using Your iPhone or iPad...

And... You’re Not an Action-Taker...

Please Don’t Take Up the Spot of Someone Else Who Really Would Love This Security Course...

I’m Looking for People Who Will Implement
their Dark Web Defense Plan and Protect Us Americans from Cyber-Threats...

If You’re Not Willing to Put In the Small Effort to Achieve Your Dark Web Defense Plan...

Sorry if I Sound Rude…

But, Please Just Close This Webpage Now,
And Let Someone Else Take Your Spot.

I’m Only Telling You This Bluntly…

Because Many People Are Skeptical...

And, with Good Reason...

But, I’m Promising You Realistic, Practical Steps that You Can Take to Protect Your Privacy and Security...

However, Only YOU Can Commit to Actually
Taking these Steps.

If You’re Still on Board…

Here’s What to Do Next…

Click the “Get Started Now” button Below...

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