144 Pages: Plenty of room to keep all of your websites, usernames, passwords, password hints and other computer or phone information.
Hard Cover:Pages protected by a classic Hard Cover Leatherette binding.
Secret Password Log Book...
Discrete: Removable cover turns into a Secret Black Book to keep all your Passwords safe! Or, write down just your Password Hints for an added level of security.
Spiral Bound: Lays flat so you can easily access your passwords hands-free, without having to hold it open.
Never Get Locked Out of Sites:Keep track of all your favorite Websites, Usernames, Passwords or Password Hints
Alphabetical Tabs: Address-Book Style Alphabetical Tabs makes finding your favorite websites & passwords quick and easy.
144 Pages: Plenty of room to keep all of your websites, usernames, passwords, password hints and other computer or phone information.
Wire Binding:Lies flat for easy reference.
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